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Billy's new single, Beach Trippin, dropped on March 14th.  You can buy it on this  site for $2.99 .  Support Billy and get it quick.  

EP: Beach Trippin


Title: "From Mind to Melody": Billy Nilsson's Journey with Beach Trippin

In the world of music creation, Billy Nilsson takes us on a journey with his latest project, Beach Trippin. The fun begins in the depths of his creative mind, where melodies and lyrics intertwine, forming the basis of his latest project.

Billy's artistic process  accompanied with his keen sense of humor are a symphony of inspiration, translating real experiences  and "what if scenarios", into musical notes. With pen in hand, he brings his ideas to paper, crafting a lyrical narrative that mirrors the highs and lows of life. Each word and chord is a brushstroke on the canvas of  Beach Trippin,  reflecting Billy's passion and dedication to his craft.
When the project is mixed and mastered, Billy Nilsson's journey from mind to melody is complete. 
So, stay tuned as Billy Nilsson takes flight with his latest endeavor  Beach Trippin.   

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Billy is in the process of rehearsals for the upcoming year of gigs around the Tampa area.